The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

If they come And they joined the place of *** to them when they saw my indifference.

So be kind to your parents according to the obligation of ***. O my soul, in negligence, we mourn.

I am the son of Muhammad and I am the son of Noah *** just as I am the son of Adam in the Sahih

Oh, who understands this mysteries *** the tongue of our symbols suggests knowledge

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Know, may God help you, that the origin of our souls is the spirit of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. He is the first of the fathers in spirit, Adam is the first of the fathers in body, Noah is the first messenger sent, and those who were before him were only prophets, each one according to the law of his Lord. Whoever wishes may enter into His law with him, and whoever wishes may not enter. He enters and then returns is an infidel, and whoever does not enter is not an infidel, and whoever introduces himself into curiosity and lying to the prophets is an infidel, and whoever does not do so and remains innocent is not an infidel. As for the Almighty’s saying, “And if there is a nation in it but a warner has passed over it, it is not a text in the message, rather it is a text in ‘Indeed, in every nation’” Knowledgeable of God and the affairs of the Hereafter, and that is the Prophet, not the Messenger. If he had been the Messenger, he would have spoken to it and n

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