The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Each one of them shows its power in the human and animal mood. If he makes blood heat follow it, then it must be followed by bile, either heat or dryness, for its priority is dryness, which is resistant to heat. So dryness strengthened its power in the body and led to disease entering it, thus preventing disease between it and What the Lord of the body has assigned him to occupy himself with, of sciences, acquiring them, and deeds that lead to happiness. Likewise, if the heat of bile is adjacent to it, it will increase the amount of bile and cause illness. For this reason, humidity is what follows bile. Then God Almighty combined cold with dampness, so from this mixture was phlegm, so He made phlegmatic moisture what follows bloody heat, even if This would not have been the case, as we mentioned first, from the introduction of sickness and disease to increase the quantity in that mixture, then he combined coldness with dryness, and from that mixture was black bitterness, so he mad

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