The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And supplication to God with humility and humility used to make clear to him the ruling of His entrustment to him through the elevation of the mediators from the special aspect that exists between every existent and his Lord, whom every knower does not know, and from this station he knows what knowledge the truth descends upon the hearts of His servants by sending down souls to them. God Almighty said: The Spirit is His command upon whomsoever He wishes of His servants... That there is no god but I, and He did not say, so the Spirit was the one delivered from God to the hearts of His servants, and the command of God is the one He delivered, and that Spirit is an image of His saying, There is no god but Me, so fear Me, so mediation in this was increased. If the revelation is the essence of revelation, the revelation is the eye of the soul, and the deliverer is God and no one else. This spirit is not the eye of the angel, but rather it is the eye of the angel. Understand, for such a

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