The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It is a mistake that occurred on his part, and he should seek refuge in God from its evil, because the worldly home does not require conquest or making known the position except for the prophets, especially if they were sent. As for the saints, they are confined to pure servitude, for they are concealing their position and condition for their Lord, not for themselves, that is, for the sake of their Lord, and they are present in that with Their Lord, even if the one who knows, in terms of his humanity and his soul, loves to praise him according to his status with his master, so that he can show compassion to his kind, and he is excused, then what pride is greater than pride in God? But the pure servant has pure religion, and pure religion is what his Lord rewards him with in praising him with the tongue of truth and his words, not with the tongue. created beings, he loves praise from God, so that he may know that God has informed him that he has not neglected anything that is requi

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