The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Clear evidence is not the case, for if the sign is not clear, which is verification by it and by it, the prophets and saints are decisive in what comes to them from God. Abu Al-Badr Al-Tamashaki Al-Baghdadi told me, and he is one of the poor truthful people, one of the cleanest in dress and the best in expression. He said to me, a meeting took place between me and Sheikh Ragheeb Al-Rahbi, and he was one of the Those who know, except that what has been conveyed to us has not reached the level of knowledgeable people who have completed their work, that he told him about a man of the time that he saw a garment that had come out of the presence, and he gave a sign about that man and until now he has not seen it because he did not see that sign, so Abu Al-Badr, may God be pleased with them all, said to him. O Sheikh, did you not see many men after that? He said to him, “Yes.” He said, “And they were among the great ones.” He said, “Yes, but I did not see that sign in any of them.” Abu

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The trade of the horses of thought in the arena of understanding *** takes place in that trade of knowledge

With secrets of taste that cannot be attained with comfort *** I have risen above the air-conditioned and sleeveless condition

I raided the army of darkness in the morning *** and produced my sun And he declared my concealment

And showed the trigger of thought a fire that was generated*** from the beating of the spirit generated from a body

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