The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

This is astonishment with the existence of reason among them, so astonishment occurred at this so that it is known that who withholds minds from understanding what is self-evident and necessary for them, this is so that you may know that matters are in the hands of God, and that judgment in them belongs to God, and that minds do not reason on their own, but rather they reason what they reason with what their Lord and Creator throws at them, and for this reason Their degrees vary, from an intellect that is locked up, from an intellect imprisoned in a universe, and from an intellect in whose mirror rust appears. If intellects were intellects for themselves, they would not have denied the unification of their Creator in a people, and taught it to a people, and the limit and truth are equally in them. For this reason we made the Almighty’s saying, “This is something wondrous, not a saying.” Infidels

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Know, my brother, that this station is one of the stations of concealment and concealment, and the affirmation of divinity in everyone who worships other than God, because he did not worship the stone for its own sake, but rather worshiped in terms of attributing divinity to it. That is why we mentioned that it is one of the stations of concealment and concealment. God Almighty said: And your Lord has decreed that you should not worship Him. Except Him, and if you asked them who they created, they would surely say, “God.” They never mentioned anything except divinity, and they did not mention people. But God did not accept their excuse. Rather, He said, “Indeed, you and what you worship besides God.” That is, the one who was singled out for this name is the count of Hell, which is his saying, “Its fuel is people and stones.” He is everyone who invites you to worship himself or herself You worshiped Him, and it was within His power to forbid you from that. But what He forbade you,

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