The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God created him from among them, even though he had the rest of the pillars in him, but they did not have that authority, which is air and fire, as in the jinn of the rest of the pillars, and so he was called what he hoped for, but in his upbringing they did not have that authority. Adam gave humility to the clay, of course, so if he became arrogant, then a matter was presented to him, which he accepted with whatever it contained. He also accepts the difference of images in his imagination and in his airy states. The jinn naturally gave arrogance to the fiery one. If he humbles himself, then a matter is presented to him. He accepts it with what is in it of earthiness, just as he accepts steadfastness in temptation if he is a devil and steadfastness in acts of obedience if he is not a devil.

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The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, reported that when he recited Surah Ar-Rahman to his companions, he said, “I recited it to the jinn, and they were better at listening to it than you.” They used to say, “And we will not deny any of the favors of our Lord.” When I said, “Which of the favors of your Lord will you deny?”

They remained steadfast upon Him as long as they did not falter at what he, peace be upon him, used to say to them in his recitation. So which of the favors of your Lord will you deny? And that is because of what is in it of earth and what is in it of water. It has gone with the flame of fire. Some of them are obedient and disobedient like us, and they are shaped in images like angels.

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God took away our sight from them, so we do not see them unless God wanted to reveal them to some of His servants so that they could see them. Since they were from the world of absurdity and kindness, they accepted the formation of whatever sensory images they wanted. The original image to which the spiritual person is attributed is only the first form before what God created, and then the forms differ from him. According to what He wants to enter into it, and if God revealed to our eyes so that we see what is depicted by the pictorial power that God has entrusted to depict in the imagination of the imagineer among us, we would, with patience, see man in different forms that do not resemble each other.

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And when the spirit was blown into the flame, which was very turbulent due to its absurdity, and the blowing made it more turbulent, and the air prevailed over it and did not settle in one state, the world of the jinn appeared in that form, and just as procreation occurred in humans by throwing water into the womb, so offspring and reproduction occurred in this human-human type, so procreation occurred in The jinn by throwing air into the womb of the female among them, so offspring and reproduction were in the category of jinn, and their existence was with the bow, which is fiery. This is what the narrator mentioned, may God protect him .

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There were sixty thousand years between the creation of the jinn and the creation of Adam, and according to what some people claim, the generation of jinn should stop after four thousand years, and the generation of humans should stop after seven thousand years, and the matter did not happen like that. Rather, the matter is due to what God wants. Reproduction in the jinn continues to this day, and so it does in us. Thus, it was determined how many years Adam had and how many years remained until the end of this world and the annihilation of humans from its back and their return to the afterlife. This is not the doctrine of those who are firmly rooted in knowledge. Rather, it was said by a fragmentary group whose statement is not reliable.

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The angels are spirits blown into lights, the jinn are spirits blown into winds, and the human beings are spirits blown into ghosts. It is said that no female was separated from the first existent among the jinn, just as Eve was separated from Adam. Some of them said that God created for the first existent among the jinn a vagina within himself, so he intercourse with each other and a likeness was born. The descendants of Adam, male and female, then they had intercourse with each other, so his creation was hermaphroditic. Therefore, they are the jinn from the world of the isthmus. They have a resemblance to humans and a resemblance to angels, like a hermaphrodite. He resembles a male and resembles a female. We have narrated in the reports we have narrated from some imams of religion that he saw a man with two sons and he was hermaphrodite, one from his back and the other from his stomach. He had intercourse, and a child was born to him, and he had intercourse, and a child was born

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And when the elements of air and fire prevailed over the jinn, their food was the fat that the air carried in the bones. God gave them sustenance in it. We see the substance of the bone and the flesh it carries, nothing is diminished from it. So we know with certainty that God gives them sustenance in it, and for this reason

The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said about the bones that they are the food for your brothers among the jinn, and in a hadith that God will give them sustenance in them

Some of the uncoverers told me that he saw the jinn coming to the bone and smelling it as wild animals smell, then they returned. And they received their sustenance and nourishment in that smell, so Glory be to the Gentle, the All-Aware. As for the coming together of one another during marriage, the twisting is like what you see as smoke coming out of a furnace or from a pottery kiln enters one another into another, so each of the two people takes pleasure in

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They are tribes and clans, and it has been mentioned that they are essentially confined to twelve tribes, then they branch out into branches, and great wars occur between them, and some whirlwinds may be the eye of their war, for a whirlwind corresponds to two winds, each of which prevents its companion from penetrating it, and that prevention leads to a turn.

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