The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The enlightened person looks to his eyes like multiple lines of light connecting from the lamp to his eyes, so if he raises those eyelashes from facing the viewer little by little, he sees those extended lines contracting to the enlightened body, so the enlightened body is an example of the specific place on this earth for those images. The observer is an example of the world, and the extension of those lines is like the images of the bodies that you move to in sleep, after death, and in the marketplace of Paradise, and which the souls wear. Your intention to see those lines by that act of sending the cilia between the observer and the luminous body is an example of preparation and the emanation of those lines in this state, the emanation of images during preparation and the contraction of the lines. To the luminous body when the barrier is lifted, the return of the images to that land when the preparation is over, and after this explanation there is no explanation. We have

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The meadow of fire and vegetation rose up*** the image of the jinn as an isthmus between two things

Between an anthropomorphic soul with a place *** in a gutter and a soul without a place

So the one who is able to embody it *** seeks sustenance For nourishment without anyone

And He who met the angels from it *** before the heart by taking shape in the eyes

That is why he obeys at times and disobeys, and those who oppose them are rewarded with two fires .

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God Almighty said, “And He created the jinn from a source of fire.” It was mentioned in the authentic hadith that God created the angels from light, and God created the jinn from fire, and He created man from what was said to you.

As for his saying, peace be upon him, about the creation of man from what was said to you He did not say anything like what he said about the creation of angels and jinn, seeking brevity, for he was given the most comprehensive words, and this is one of them. The origin of their creation did not differ, nor did the jinn. As for man, his creation differed over four types of creation. The creation of Adam did not resemble the creation of Eve, nor did he resemble the creation of the rest of the sons of Adam, and the creation of Jesus, peace be upon him. It does not resemble the creation of those we have mentioned, so the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, intended to be brief and referred to what has reached us of the details

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And when God created the four pillars and raised the smoke to the concave of the orbit of the fixed stars, and He parted in that smoke seven heavens, distinguishing one from the other, and revealed in each heaven His command after He had decreed in the earth its sustenance, and all of that in four days. Then He said to the heavens and the earth, “Come, willingly or by compulsion.” That is, respond, if you are called upon for what is intended of you from what you have been assured to bring forth. So they said, “We come willingly.” So, Glory be to Him, created a moral bond between the heaven and the earth and directed toward what the Glory be to Him wants to create on this earth of the generators of minerals, plants, and animals, and He made the earth like a family, and He made the sky like Baal, and the sky throws down to the earth by command. Which God revealed in it just as a man throws water with sexual intercourse in a woman, and the earth emerges upon throwing what the truth h

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Hence, when the air was ignited and heated, it burned like a lamp, which is the ignition of fire, that flame, which is the combustion of air, and it is the combustion, but it is called what is hopeless because it is fire mixed with air, which is the burning air, for the turf is the mixing, and from it the turf is called turf because of the mixing of plants in it, as it is made of two elements, air. And by fire, I mean the jinn, just as Adam was made of two elements, water and earth, which he kneaded with, and the name of clay occurred to him, just as the mixing of fire with air created the name of the jinn. So God Almighty opened in that jinn the image of the jinn, so with the air in it, he formed into any form he wished, and with the fire in it, the absurdity and greatness of His kindness, and in it was the desire for oppression. And arrogance and pride, for Hell is the highest of the pillars in status and has authority to transpose things required by nature, which is the reason

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