The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He is the True Inward in my absence*** and in my presence He is the Manifest

If he misses me, then I am the first *** and if I miss him, then I am the last

Know that there is no absence except in presence, so your absence is the one you attend with him due to the power of the power of witnessing, just as the power of remaining annihilates you because he is the one who has time, judgment, and detail regarding the presence of his family, as we mentioned in the absence. It is the same, so every absent person is present, and every present person is absent, because it is not imagined to be present with the group, but rather it is with the individual members of the group, because the rulings on names and entities differ, and the ruling is for the present. If he were present with the group, they would clash, leading to disagreement and ruining the matter, so it is not valid to be present w

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Sugar made me sit on the throne *** the round ocean

And I'm still gurgling *** From everything that enriches a poor person

And drunkenness is from the wine of passion *** And drunkenness is from the manager’s view

A poet before me said *** and He is the All-Knowing, the All-Aware

If I get drunk, then I am *** my Lord The horn and the bed

And if I wake up, then I am *** the Lord of the goat and the camel.

God Almighty said: And rivers of wine are a delight to the drinkers, and He is the knowledge of conditions and for this reason For the one who performs it, it will be joy and enjoyment. As for their definition of it as an absence of a strong coming, it is an absence except from everyth

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