The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Messengers from kings come to him from him, and he moves a lot and is easy to reach and everyone is gentle in descending, but when he gets angry, nothing arises from his anger. God gave him strength as he wished, and I saw a king in its sea resistant to fever, called the swimmer. He has little companionship with whomever he is aiming for, and he does not He has that attention to anyone, except that it is with what comes to him, not with what he wants from him, and a great sultan, whose previous name is next to him, if a newcomer enters upon him, he rises to him from his seat, smiles in his face, shows pleasure at his arrival, and does everything he needs before asking him about something, so I said He said to him about that, so he said to me: I hate to see in the face of the questioner the humiliation of asking a created being other than God to humiliate anyone other than God, and not everyone stands with God on the footing of monotheism, and most faces are turned towards the reas

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He said, "One day I attended their office to see their arrangement. From what I saw, the king among them is the one who provides for his subjects. They reached what they reached. I saw that when the food was ready, an innumerable creation would stop. Their number was numerous. They called them the tax collectors, and they were the messengers of the people of every household. The trustee would give him from the kitchen according to the amount of his family, and the tax collector would take it and go away." As for what is divided among them by one person, who has no other hands, according to the level of the collectors, he scoops in one time for each person his food in his bowl and goes away, and what is left of that is put into a treasury. When that share is finished with them, he enters the treasury, takes what is left over, and goes out with it to the tramps who are at the door of the king’s house. So he throws it to them and they eat it, and so on every day, every king has a per

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He said, “And this is how I saw their behavior in every matter that only one person undertakes, but he has authority, and the people of this earth know the people about God, and everything that the mind has made impossible with its evidence with us, we find on this earth possible has happened, and that God is capable of all things, so we know that minds are limited, even if God is able to bring together opposites, and the existence of the body in two places, and the appearance itself and its transmission, and the meaning being based on the meaning, and every hadith and verse that has come to us that the mind has diverted from its apparent meaning, we find it on its apparent meaning in this earth, and every body in which the spiritual is formed, from an angel and a jinn, and every form in which a person sees himself in sleep, from bodies. This land has a special place in this land, and they have sheets of paper extending to all the world, and on each piece of paper is a trustee. So

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