The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

I was in Baghdad in the year six hundred and eight. The gates of heaven had opened and the treasures of divine deception had descended like general rain. I heard an angel saying: What deception descended tonight? So I woke up terrified and looked at safety from that, but I found it only in knowledge of the prescribed balance. So whoever God intends good for him, he will protect him from it. The temptations of deception, so he does not put the scales of the law on his hand and the witnesses of his situation, and this is the case of the infallible and the protected. As for repeating blessings with disobedience, it is found today in abundance among those who belong to the path of God, and I have witnessed many people who are blessed with them whose number cannot be counted except by God, and it is a general matter. As for maintaining the situation with bad manners, it is in People of determination, and they are few, but we have seen a group of them in Morocco and in this country, whi

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