The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In the balance of the situation, one sentence, and his condition remained favorable to him. That conquest was the conquest desired by the people. After this has been decided, let us mention every type of conquest. As for conquests in the phrase, it is only for the perfect Muhammadi among the men, even if he was the heir of any prophet who was of the strongest position. The owner of this conquest is truthfulness in all his statements, movements, and silences, until truthfulness reaches it, such that its possessor and companion recognizes the apparent movement within him. It is not possible for the author of this conquest to visualize a speech within himself, arrange it with his thought, and then utter it after that. Rather, the time of his uttering it is the time of his conception of that word that expresses it. With it from within himself at the time when that meaning existed in itself and its form, and no one other than the author of this conquest has this description, and the re

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