The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And We do not descend except by the command of your Lord. To Him belongs what is before us and what is behind us and what is between that, and your Lord has not forgotten and said about them, “Do not disobey God what He has commanded them.” These angels are special governors, and God created angels who populate the heavens and the earth to worship Him. There is a place in heaven and earth where there is no angel, and the truth continues to create angels from the breath of the world as long as they are breathing .

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And when the movements of this first ark had ended, and its duration was fifty-four thousand years, which you consider, God created the earthly abode and gave it a known duration to which it would end, and its form would expire, and it would become impossible from being an abode for us and accepting a specific form, which we see today until the earth is replaced by another earth, and the heavens, and when it passed From the duration of the movement of this orbit sixty-three thousand years, which you count. God created the Hereafter, Paradise and Hell, which God prepared for His happy and miserable servants. So there were nine thousand years between the creation of this world and the creation of the Hereafter, which you count. That is why it was called the Hereafter because its creation was later than the creation of this world, and it was called the First World because it was created before it. God Almighty said. And the afterlife is better for you than the first. He addresses his

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He made the roof of Paradise this ark, which is the Throne according to them, whose movement is not determined or distinct, so its movement is permanent and does not end, and no creation that we have mentioned is created except that the second purpose of it is related to the existence of man who is the Caliph in the world. Rather, I said the second purpose since the first purpose was to know the truth and worship Him, which It has the creation of the entire world, so there is nothing that does not glorify His praise. The meaning of the second and first intention is voluntary attachment, not the occurrence of will, because the will of God is an ancient and eternal attribute that characterized His essence like all of His attributes .

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And when God created these spheres and heavens and revealed in every heaven His command and arranged within it its lights and lamps and its life with His angels, and He Almighty moved it, so it moved in obedience to God, coming to Him seeking perfection in the servitude that befits it, because God Almighty called it and called the earth, so He said to it and to the earth, “Come, willingly or by compulsion.” There is no limit To them they said, “We have come willingly,” and they will come forever, so they remain in motion, except that the movement of the earth is hidden to us, and its movement around the middle because it is larger. As for the sky, it moved obediently when God commanded it to come, and as for the earth, it came obediently when it knew itself to be subjugated and that it must be brought by His word or by compulsion, so that was what was meant by His saying. God Almighty, or by force, and she came, obediently, by force. So He divided them into seven heavens in two da

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He had created the earth and ordained within it its sustenances for the sake of the generators, so He made it a treasury for their sustenances. We have mentioned the order of the creation of the world in the book of Uqlah al-Mustafuz, and from the determination of its sustenances was the presence of water, air, and fire, and what is in that of vapors, clouds, lightnings, thunders, and overhead effects, and that is the decree of the Mighty, the Knowing, and His creation. The jinn of fire, the birds, the land and sea animals, and the insects of the earth’s rots, in order to purify the air for us from the vapors of the rots, which if they mixed with the air in which God placed the life and well-being of this human and animal, would have been sick, sick, and crippled. So He cleared the air for him, Glory be to Him, out of His kindness by creating these rots, so diseases and ailments were reduced. < /p >

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And when the kingdom was established and prepared, and none of these creatures knew of what kind this caliph would be, for whose existence God had prepared this kingdom. When the appointed time in His knowledge arrived to find this caliph, after seventeen thousand years had passed of the life of this world and of the life of the hereafter, which would not The end of it lasting for eight thousand years. God commanded some of His angels to bring him a handful of every kind of soil on earth, so they brought it to him in a long story known to the people, so He, Glory be to Him, took it and its wine in His hands. It is His saying, “I did not create with my own hands.” And the truth was deposited with every angel of the angels whom we mentioned as a deposit for Adam. He said To them, I am creating a human being from clay, and these deposits that are in your hands are for him. So if I created him, let each one of you give him what he has of what I have entrusted you with. Then, when I ha

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