The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Except through the path of faith, blinding us to its orientation towards finding things through the reasons that are established. So the rain came down and descended, and the earth was plowed and the love was sown, and the sun spread out, and the love rose and was harvested and ground and kneaded and baked and chewed with the teeth and was swallowed and ripened in the stomach and the liver took it and cooked it in blood and then sent it into the veins and divided into the body and rose from it. Vapor was the life of that body for the sake of that soul. These are the mothers of causes, with the movement of the spheres, the movement of the planets, and the casting of rays on the paths of lights, with the counterpart of the universal soul, God willing, with the mind supplying it. These are all veils placed as mothers, apart from the minute causes between them, so hearing needs to tear through all of these veils. Until he hears the saying, “Be,” so he created in the believer the power

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From the soul of the Most Gracious is His saying: And We did not send before you any messenger except to him that We revealed to him, “There is no god but Me, so worship me.” This is the unification of power and definition, and it is from the unification of repentance, and it is a wondrous unification, and such is called exposure, i.e. such-and-such, so be like his saying, what is said. For you, except what was said to the messengers before you, and he brought about worship, and he did not mention the specific actions, for he said, “For each of you, We have made a law and a method, and that is the specification of the actions, and it is where the term of the ruling that is expressed by abrogation ends in the words of the scholars of Sharia, and then there are general actions that apply in every prophecy except the establishment of religion and assembly.” And the word monotheism, which is His Almighty saying, “He has legislated for you the religion that which He commanded Noah,

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From the soul of the Most Merciful is His saying: And Dhul-Nun, when he went away in anger and thought that We would not defeat him, so he called out in the darkness: There is no god but You. Glory be to You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers. This is the unification of grief, and it is the unification of pain. He addressed, which is the unification of catharsis, as the Most Merciful breathed on the authority of Muhammad May God’s prayers and peace be upon him with the Ansar

He said, “The soul of the Most Merciful comes to me from Yemen, ”

So the Ansar that was formed from that soul were

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