The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)


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His saying addresses the breeze of youth, I appeal to you, God, know that Siba is the wind of acceptance, and Siba is the wind of acceptance, and Siba is the wind, and inclination is acceptance, and it was called Siba, acceptance, because when the Arabs wanted to know the winds in order to give them names by which they would remind them to know them, they faced the rising of the sun, so every wind that blew on them from the direction of the rising of the sun, they received it, since it was It directed it to that direction, so it called it facing, and whatever wind came to it from behind when it was facing it, it called it Dabura, which is the western wind, and what came from it while blowing from the right side, it called south, and from the north side, it called north, and every wind that blows between two of these directions, it called Nakba, which is Nakba. Turn away, meaning you turn away from these four directions, the breeze is the first blow of the wind, and the thing that

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