The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The most truthful of them lies, the dream of the most truthful of them, and the dream of a Muslim is one of the forty-six parts of prophecy, and the dream is three: a good dream is good news from God Almighty, a dream comes from Satan’s grief, and a dream is something a man tells himself, and if one of you sees something that he hates, let him get up and spit it out and not tell people about it .

The hadith, and he said that it is an authentic hadith, and in the hadith of Abu Qatada on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, if one of you sees something that he hates, let him blow on his left three times and seek refuge in God from its evil, for it will not harm him .

It is a good, authentic and authentic hadith. The authentic hadith on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is that a Muslim’s vision of a flying man is something he did not narrate, but if he did narrate it, then it happens.

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Know that God has an angel entrusted with visions, called the Spirit, and He is below the lowest heaven, and in His hand are images of the bodies in which the sleeper perceives himself and others, and images of what occurs from those images of the universes. If a person sleeps, or is in the state of occultation, annihilation, or the power of perception, he will not be blocked by the sensible things in his wakefulness. Perceiving the images in the hand of this angel, this person perceives with his power in his wakefulness what the sleeper perceives in his sleep. This is that the human subtlety moves by its powers from the presence of sensible things to the presence of the imagination connected to it, which is replaced by the front of the brain, and that spirit entrusted with images pours upon it whatever it desires, separate from the divine ear, from the imagination. The truth is that this sleeping person, or the absent, or the mortal, or the powerful one of meanings, is shown to h

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