The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

There is no miracle, some of them are an honor, some of them are a support, some of them are a warning and an incentive, some are a reward, some are deception and deception, and all of them have signs for the people of God, despite the fact that these people have no knowledge of any of that, unlike the first category, for they are knowledgeable. Whatever comes from them, and there is nothing of what we have mentioned in the second category, whose work is attributed to God Almighty, except that possibility is included in it. Is it from providence or from providence, except for the miracle and the sign, for they are from providence, and it must be the truth that informs and confirms it as well, and anything other than these two is included in possibility as we mentioned, then We return to what our path dictates. Violating the habit of the saints only occurs to the one who violates the habit in himself by removing it from the rule of what it gives him its truth, which is her behavior

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