The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

I was ignorant of the meanings of the sheikhs *** the people of the scenes and the established places.

And their words were neglected. *** She was ignorant and had pride.

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The sheikhs are the representatives of truth in the world, like the messengers, peace be upon him, in their time. Rather, they are the heirs who inherited the knowledge of the laws from the prophets, peace be upon him. However, they do not legislate. They have the right, may God be pleased with them, to preserve the law in general. They do not have the right to legislate. They have the right to preserve hearts and observe morals in particular. They are among the scholars of God. He is in the same position as a doctor with a natural scientist. The doctor does not know nature except in what it is that governs the human body in particular, and the natural scientist knows it absolutely, even if he is not a doctor. The sheikh may combine the two matters, but the share of old age in knowledge of God is to know from people the means and sources of their movements, and knowledge of thoughts that are blameworthy and praiseworthy and the subject of confusion. What enters into it is the appe

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And the one who gathers for the position of old age is that the sheikh is the one who has collected all that the disciple who is on the path needs in the state of his upbringing, behavior, and revelation until he reaches the qualification for old age, and all that the disciple needs if his mind and heart become ill with a suspicion that occurred to him, the validity of which he does not know from its illness, as happened to Sahl in prostration. The heart, as happened to our sheikh when it was said to him, “You are Jesus, son of Mary,” so the sheikh heals him as he should. Likewise, if someone who goes out to hear the truth from outside, not from himself, is afflicted with something forbidden, he will be commanded to do it or forbid an obligation, so the sheikh will know how to rid him of that so that no tongue of guilt will befall him, despite the validity of the position. What is in him is that they are the doctors of God’s religion. No matter how much they lack in any of what th

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