The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He desires by breaking the eye of the verb in the past and opening it in the future, and the noun from it is Hawa, which is passion, and this noun is the past verb of Hawa, which is falling. It is said Hawa, by opening the eye of the verb in the past, He loves by breaking it in the future, and the noun from it is Hawa, and the reason for the occurrence of the meaning, which is the passion in the heart, is one. There are three things, or some of them, or all of them, either looking, hearing, or benevolence, the greatest of which is looking, and it is the most proven of them, for it is not changed by encounter, and hearing is not like that, for it is changed by encounter, for it is unlikely that what the imagination has depicted by hearing will match the image mentioned. As for the love of benevolence, it is an effect that is removed by heedlessness as long as benevolence continues, because the eye of the benefactor is not witnessed. As for the second inclination, it only occurs wit

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