The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He loves every tempted person who repents.

And in the report, it is obligatory for those who love each other in

And in the report, love God for what He has bestowed upon you of His blessings

And in the report, God is beautiful. He loves beauty, and God loves to be praised.

And he, peace be upon him, said: “I love three things from your world ”

The hadiths and reports on this topic are very many, and know that its status is honorable and that it is the origin of existence.

p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> And from love we originated *** and upon love we formed

So we came to it with intention * ** For this reason we have accepted

and this position has four titles

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It is an excess of love, and it is used in the Qur’an for the intensity of love in His saying, “And those who believe are most intense in their love for God,” which is His saying, “He has intoxicated her with love,” that is, her love for Joseph became on her heart like a “passion,” which is the thin skin that contains the heart, so it is an adverb for Him and He has described it. The truth itself is in the report with the intensity of love, except that the truth is not called love, lover, and love is the envelopment of love over the lover until it mixes all its parts and includes it, the inclusion of deafness is derived from adoration.

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which is the expression of the will in the beloved and attachment to Him at the first thing that occurs in the heart, and God has no name for it, and for its occurrence there is a reason for a look, news, or benevolence, and its reasons are many, and its meaning is

In the true divine report, it is love of God. If His servant multiplies voluntary good deeds

Likewise, following the Messenger in what he legislated, and this is his status among us. It is called passion. Some of them said about love born of news.

O my people, my ear is in love with some living thing *** and the ear loves before the eye sometimes

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My love for others is subject to consideration *** Except for your desire, it is based on news

He knows that I did not teach her *** despite what was said to me as a human sister

So I wanted from my isolation to win her ** * And to be kind to my eyes

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My reality was concerned with *** and my sight did not see it.

And if he had seen it, tomorrow*** that poplar would have been killed.

So when I saw it***, I became aware of the sight

The rule of destiny *** but he dominated me

By God, I was not overwhelmed by the beauty of that guard

Oh, how beautiful she is than a gazelle *** grazing on the same wine

< p style="color:#008000; text-align: center"> If it rings or turns ***, human minds become captive

They turn away from injustice. And about *** a cloud of love that spread

as if it were her b

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The ear is in love and the eye is in love *** There is a difference between the love of the eye and the news

The ear loves what is imaginary that it depicts *** and the eye loves what is tangible from images

So the owner of the eye, if the beloved comes to him *** one day to see it He takes pleasure in looking

And he who has the ear, if the beloved comes to him*** in the form of sense, he never ceases to do anything other than

Except the passion of Zainab, for it is a wonder *** in which hearing and sight are equal.

And the nicest thing about love is what I found, which is to find excessive love and passion. And disturbing longing, love, thinness, lack of sleep, and pleasure in food .

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