The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He said, “Praise be to God in every condition. ”

He praised Him in every condition because He is the Granter by His manifestation of every condition. And clearer than this in conveying what happens with establishing punishments and denying what should be denied, for the one who denies change will be questioned by those in the heavens. And the earth, every day is in relation to divine conditions in existential entities with relative names designated by cosmic changes, so one eye appeared in different objects of the universe and it saw its images in it, so the world witnessed some of it in that eye. Some of it is appropriate, which is in agreement, and some of it is inappropriate, which is the opposite, so agreement and disagreement appeared in the objects of the world, this world and the hereafter. Because the eyes of the world continue to see each other through that sickle-shaped eye, and their lights are reflected on them with what they gain from that eye, and what happe

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