The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Evidence of the validity of what he calls for, then this is the rule of the situation. If he is a guardian without a messenger, he must run by the rule of his place, not by the rule of the situation. If something appears from this guardian that indicates his status with his Lord, with what he gives of power and control in the world, and he is not a messenger, then he is reckless and deficient. If he appears with strange knowledge, will he be like the one who has an influential psychological state or not? We say no, because knowledge that does not have a cosmic effect other than itself does not hold that weight among the common people or among the elite, nor does its possessor have that distinction except among the great ones among the people of God and those who have verification and insight into it. That is the highest position, and that is why God said to His Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, “Say, ‘My Lord, increase me in knowledge for the sake of my homeland.’”

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Elixirs are proof that indicate *** what is in existence of change and change

So correct the weight, for the balance is our law *** and it has been made clear, so be careful with it

Chemistry is certain quantities *** Because how many numbers are in the world of images

So be wise about it if you have insight *** And do not be deterred by desires From sight

You are attached to the rank of purified properties *** and you rise in rank from the world of humans

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Chemistry is the science that is concerned with quantities and weights in everything that the quantity and weight includes of objects and meanings, tangible and intelligible, and its authority in transformations, I mean the change of conditions according to the one entity, so it is a natural, spiritual, and divine science. We only said, “divine” because of the occurrence of astiwa, descent, and accompaniment, and the multiplicity of divine names according to the one name with differences. Its meanings

The matter is between a booklet and a publication *** such as quality and quantity and conditions of quantities

Our boats got lost on their rigging *** The intention of being privileged with an unconquerable secret

And the revelation sends down rulings that it legislates *** And the ruling is between forbidding and commanding

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The science of chemistry is the science of elixirs, and it is of two types. I mean its action: either creating a starting entity, such as metallic gold, or removing a defect and disease, such as artificial gold, which is attached to metallic gold, such as the creation of the afterlife and the world, in seeking moderation. Know that all metals return to one origin, and that origin itself seeks to be attached to the degree of perfection, which is However, since it was a natural matter due to the effect of divine names with various rulings, illnesses and illnesses occurred to him on his way from different times and the nature of places, such as the heat of summer, the cold of winter, the dryness of autumn, and the humidity of spring, and from spot, such as the heat and cold of metal. In short, the illnesses are many, so if one of these illnesses prevails over him in certain periods of time. His journey and its transfer from one stage to another, and his emergence from the rule of one

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