The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

But it is not known where it came from or how it happened, and from this status it is the affliction that descends in January. He does not find a vessel containing uncovered water without entering it, and from this door is what a person finds of hating a person and loving a person without an apparent reason known to him, and it occurs by hearing. By vision, there was news about something like this.

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From this point of view is the wise policy for the interests of the world, which no law has brought about. When the prophets, peace be upon them, were lost, and the times of periods, the angels of inspiration and blasphemy descend upon the hearts of the wise men of the time and the wise men of the time, and they place them in their thoughts, not in their secrets, so they place them and force the people to do so, and the kings, and there is nothing in it. Polytheism, this is the royal message that contains the interests of the world in this world, and it is the good innovations that God has praised those who properly nurture them, seeking God’s pleasure, and then there are other messages also at the hands of the angels, by subjugating the world to one another in absolute terms.

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A group of men of God denied him*** and it is not their business to deny what they were ignorant of.

It is the place whose evidence has been established *** in burning, killing, and the rest that they did.

If they had contemplated the Qur’an, the face of the truth about it would have become clear to them *** They have neglected

and nothing is distinguished from them in their station *** except those who have understood from the Most Gracious

And also from him is Abu Bakr, and his distinction *** is secret. If they looked at our ruling, they would be complete

There is no difference between Abu Bakr and his companion ** * If you look at what I said, a man

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Closeness is a divine attribute, and it is an unknown position whose specific traces were denied by the Messengers, peace be upon them, despite the lack of it among them, and the testimony of the truth to its owner with justice and specialization, and it is the position of Al-Khidr with Moses. What astonished him was nothing but the power of jealousy that God placed in the Messengers, peace be upon them, for the position of God’s law at their hands, so to God they denied it. He, peace be upon him, repeatedly denounced while warning the righteous servant in every issue, and the power of jealousy refused except to object, because his law was a taste for him, and what he saw as other than it was foreign to him, even if it was sound knowledge, but taste is more prevalent and the situation is wiser. That is why it was said to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, “Say, ‘My Lord, increase me in knowledge,’” and he did not say. To him, say, “O my Lord, increase my

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And when I attained this Sunni status, I said, “Mounting and warning,”

And I love imperfection for the sake of whom I love*** Because through Him there was perfection for whoever knows.

And the decrease brought nothing but fear*** from the eye, like the full moon at the end of the month.

And the full moon that you see is not diminished*** but it is a full moon for whoever immerses himself in thought

sees it perfectly. Perfect in its light *** in the most perfect conditions in the abdomen and back

If there were no definite deficiency in the universe *** true existence would decrease in magnitude < /p>

In me, the truth had its perfection *** with imperfection, so see what my poetry co

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