The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Know that if God Almighty wanted to create a human being of moderate upbringing, so that all his movements and actions would be upright, God would grant the father the rightness of his temperament, and He would also help the mother for that, so the semen of the male and the female would be good, the uterine temperament would be right, and the humours would be balanced in it, just as the potency is equal, by which the sperm is good and God’s time will be right. For water to descend into the womb in a happy horoscope with astrological movements, God made it a sign of goodness in what is in that of beings, so the man has intercourse with his wife in a happy horoscope with a moderate mood, and the water descends in a womb with a moderate mood, so the uterus receives it. God grants success to the mother and gives her the desire for every food that is in the goodness of her temperament and what she is nourished with. The sperm is in the uterus, so the sperm accepts imaging in a moderate

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So the growth comes out and is based on the fairest form, so the owner’s growth is moderate, neither tall nor short, soft, moist flesh, between thick and tender, white, with a reddish and yellowish tint, moderate hair, long, neither straight nor curly, red in his hair, not that black, runny face, eyes of his eyes tend to be sunken, and the blackness is moderate. He has a large head, flat shoulders, a straight neck, a moderate mane, no flesh on his hips or his back, a clear voice, what is thick of it and what is soft of it, of which it is desirable to be thick or soft in moderation, long build for thinness, long palm, little speech and silence except when necessary, his natures tend toward yellow and black, joy in his sight. And Surur, who is not greedy for money, does not want to control you or assume leadership. He is neither hasty nor slow. This, the wise men said, is the most just and wisest of creation. In it, our Master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was cre

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If it happens that there is a mood imbalance in the womb, then that imbalance must affect the development of the person in the womb in one of its organs, or in most of the organs, or in the least, depending on what the material is at the time for that organ in terms of the attractive force that is in the sperm, so that comes out. Either in its entirety or in some of its members

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From that, and God is the Grantor, true whiteness with blondeness and a lot of blue is evidence of insolence, betrayal, immorality, and lightness of mind. However, if one has a wide forehead, a narrow chin, hairless, and a lot of hair on the head, then the wise physiognomy scholars said that caution from one of these characteristics is like caution from fighting snakes. If the hair is coarse, it indicates courage and a healthy brain. If it is soft, it indicates cowardice, a cold mind, and a lack of intelligence. If there is a lot of hair on the shoulders and neck, it indicates foolishness and boldness, and if it is abundant on the chest and stomach, it indicates brutality of character, a lack of understanding, and a love of injustice. Being blonde is evidence of cowardice, a lot of anger, its speed, and tyranny. Black hair indicates great tranquility in the mind, patience, and love of justice, and the middle between these two indicates moderation, and if the forehead is flat and h

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