The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

The Meccan Revelations Volume (28)

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The Meccan Revelations Volume (28)


volume 28 of the Meccan Revelations by the Greatest Master Muhyiedin Ibn Arabi, translation and commentary by Mohamed Haj Yousef

(work on this volume has not started yet.)




CHAPTER CONTENTS of Volume Twenty Eight



The Fifth Section: On the Juxtapositions

384 Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Four: On knowing the addressing juxtapositions which is from the secret of His saying, the Exalted: ﴾and it has never occurred for a human that Allah speaks to him but only by revelation or from behind a veil﴿, and it is from the Mohammedan presence.
385 Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Five: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who is humiliated is defeated and who is insulted is prohibited”.
386 Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Six: On knowing the juxtaposition of the jugular vein and the where-ness of with-ness.
387 Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Seven: On knowing the juxtaposition of haughty humbleness.
388 Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Eight: On knowing a juxtaposition which is unknown to the servant, and that is when he ascends without determining the aim that he aims at of the Real.
389 Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Nine: On knowing the juxtaposition of “My Character is your being and your character is My Being”.
390 Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety: On knowing the juxtaposition of “the time of thing is its presence, but only Me there is no time for Me and only you there is no time for you, so you are My time and I am your time”.
391 Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety One: On knowing the juxtaposition of the flowing track on which the men of question do not stabilize.
392 Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Two: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who has mercy we have mercy over him, and who does not have mercy we have mercy over him, and then we put our anger over him then we forget him”.
393 Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Three: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who stops at seeing what frightened him, he perished”.
394 Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Four: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who refined shall arrive, and who arrives will not go back even though he may not be refined”.
395 Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Five: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who enters My Presence and his life remained, then his consolation is on Me for the death of his companion”.
396 Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Six: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who collects knowledge and sciences I veil him from Me”.
397 Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Seven: On knowing the juxtaposition of ﴾to Him the nice words ascend and He lifts up the good deed﴿.
398 Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Eight: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who preaches people did not know Me and who reminds them knew Me”.
399 Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Nine: On knowing the juxtaposition of an abode whoever enters it his neck is struck, and there is no one but had entered it.
400 Chapter Completing Four Hundred: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who manifests to Me I hided from him and who stops at My limits, I briefed on him”.
401 Chapter Four Hundred and One: On knowing the juxtaposition of “the dead and the alive, they have no way to seeing Me”.
402 Chapter Four Hundred and Two: On the juxtaposition of “who fights with Me I defeat him and whom I fight with he defeats Me, thus tending to peace is a priority”.
403 Chapter Four Hundred and Three: On the juxtaposition of “I have no excuse to My servant; whenever I say to one of them: why you did that? He says to Me: You did, and the Real said: but the precedent is preceding and no change”.
404 Chapter Four Hundred and Four: On knowing the juxtaposition of “who violates his folk he is seeking into ruining his dominion, and who is kind with them he stays a king; every lord kills one of his servants he kills his supremacy, but not Me, thus look!”
405 Chapter Four Hundred and Five: On a juxtaposition “who made his heart My house and vacated it from others, no one knows what I shall give him, thus do not compare it (/his heart) with the Populated House because it is the house of my angels not My House, and that is why I did not put My Comrade (/Abraham) in it, but My House is the heart of My servant which housed Me when My earth and my heaven were slight for Me”.
406 Chapter Four Hundred and Six: On knowing the juxtaposition of “never anything of Me manifested to anything and it should never manifest”.
407 Chapter Four Hundred and Seven: On the juxtaposition of “in a faster than as a blink you steal from Me if you look at other than Me, not for My weakness but for your weakness”.
408 Chapter Four Hundred and Eight: on knowing the juxtaposition of the day of Saturday; thus untie your wrapper you tied because the world has finished from Me and I am finished from it.
409 Chapter Four Hundred and Nine: On the juxtaposition of “my names are veil over you, if you remove them you reached to Me”.
410 Chapter Four Hundred and Ten: On the juxtaposition of ﴾and that to your Lord is the destiny﴿, thus be proud of this Lord and you shall be happy.



qn qv qp ab cn cv cp
384- فى معرفة المنازلات الخطابية وهو من سر قوله عز وجل (وما كان لبشر أن يكلمه اللّه إلا وحيا أو من وراء حجاب) 8329 28 2 1 1979 3 523
385- فى معرفة منازلة من حقر غلب ومن استهين منع 8343 28 9 1 1983 3 527
386- فى معرفة منازلة حبل الوريد وأينية المعية 8358 28 16 2 1986 3 530
سر إلهى لا يعرفه كثير من الناس 8367 28 21 1 1989 3 533
387- فى معرفة منازلة التواضع الكبريائى 8372 28 23 2 1990 3 534
388- فى معرفة منازلة مجهولة وذلك إذا ارتقى من غير تعيين قصد ما يقصده من الحق وكل شىء عند الحق معين فقد قصده من الحق ما لا يناسب قصده من عدم التعيين 8389 28 32 1 1994 3 538
389- فى معرفة منازلة إلىِّ كونك وإِلُّك كونى 8408 28 41 2 1999 3 543
390- فى معرفة منازلة زمان الشىء وجوده إلا أنا فلا زمان لى وإلا أنت فلا زمان لك فأنت زمانى وأنا زمانك 8420 28 47 2 2002 3 546
391- فى معرفة منازلة المسلك السيال الذى لا يثبت عليه أقدام الرجال السُّؤال 8432 28 53 2 2005 3 549
392- فى معرفة منازلة من رحم رحمناه ومن لم يرحم رحمناه ثم غضبنا عليه ونسيناه 8436 28 55 2 2006 3 550
وأما قوله فى هذا الباب ونسيناه فى هذه المنازلة فهو حد نسيان ذلك الإنسان اللّه فى الاشياء 8445 28 60 1 2008 3 552
393- فى معرفة منازلة من وقف عندما رأى ما هاله هلك 8450 28 62 2 2009 3 553
394- فى معرفة منازلة من تأدب وصل ومن وصل لم يرجع ولو كان غير أديب 8458 28 65 2 2011 3 555
395- فى معرفة منازلة من دخل حضرتى وبقيت عليه حياته فعزاؤه على فى موت صاحبه 8463 28 68 1 2013 3 557
396- فى معرفة منازلة من جمع المعارف والعلوم حجبته عنى 8466 28 69 2 2014 3 558
397- فى معرفة منازلة (إليه يصعد الكلم الطيب والعمل الصالح يرفعه) هذا قول الله الصادق 8473 28 73 1 2015 3 559
398- فى معرفة منازلة من وعظ الناس لم يعرفنى ومن ذكّرهم عرفنى فكن أى الرجلين شئت 8478 28 75 2 2017 3 561
فصل فى الواحدة التى يعظ بها الواعظ وهى أن يقوم من أجل الله 8480 28 76 2 2017 3 561
فصل فى قوله تعالى (وذكرهم بأيام اللّه) 8489 28 81 1 2020 3 564
فصل فى اليوم العقيم 8492 28 82 2 2020 3 564
399- فى معرفة منازلة منزل من دخله ضربت عنقه وما بقى أحد إلا دخله 8497 28 85 1 2022 3 566
400- فى معرفة منازلة من ظهر لى بطنت له ومن وقف عند حدى اطّلعت عليه 8501 28 87 1 2023 3 567
401- فى معرفة منازلة الميت والحى ليس له إلى رؤيتى من سبيل 8507 28 90 1 2026 4 2
402- فى معرفة منازلة من غالبنى غلبته ومن غالبته غلبنى والجنوح إلى السلم أولى 8509 28 91 1 2026 4 2
403- فى معرفة منازلة لا حجة لى على عبيدى ما قلت لأحد منهم لم عملت إلا قال لى أنت عملت وقال الحق ولكن السابقة أسبق بلا شك فلا تبديل 8515 28 94 1 2028 4 4
404- فى معرفة منازلة من شق على رعيته سعى فى هلاك ملكه ومن رفق بهم بقى ملكا كل سيد قتل عبدا من عبيده فإنما قتل سيادة من سياداته إلا أنا فانظره 8520 28 96 2 2029 4 5
405- فى معرفة منازلة من جعل قلبه بيتى وأخلاه من غيرى ما يدرى أحد ما أعطيه فلا تشبهوه بالبيت المعمور فإنه بيت ملائكتى لا بيتى ولهذا لم أسكن فيه خليلى إبراهيم عليه السلام 8524 28 98 2 2030 4 6
وأما قوله وأخلاه من غيرى 8531 28 102 1 2032 4 8
406- فى معرفة منازلة ما ظهر منى شىء لشىء ولا ينبغى أن يظهر 8533 28 103 1 2032 4 8
407- فى معرفة منازلة فى أسرع من الطرفة تختلس منى إن نظرت إلى غيرى لا لضعفى ولكن لضعفك 8537 28 105 1 2033 4 9
408- فى معرفة منازلة يوم السبت حل عنك مئزر الجد الذى شددته فقد فرغ العالم منى وفرغت منه 8544 28 108 2 2035 4 11
409- فى معرفة منازلة أسمائى حجاب عليك فإن رفعتها وصلت إلىّ 8549 28 111 1 2036 4 12
410- فى معرفة منازلة (وأن إلى ربك المنتهى) فاعتزوا بى تسعدو 8554 28 113 2 2037 4 13


Please note that some contents are translated from Arabic Semi-Automatically!