The Meccan Revelations Volume (2)
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2 | Continuation of Chapter Two: | On knowing the domiciles of (the Arabic alphabet) characters and diacritics in the world and the Beautiful Names concerned with that, knowing the words that may imply comparability (between Allah and the creation) and knowing: the knowledge, the knower and the known. |
3 | Chapter Three: | On deeming the Real far above the words that described Him in His Book (the Qurãn) or on the tongue of His Messenger, peace be upon him, which may indicate comparability and embodiment. |
4 | Chapter Four: | On the reason of the beginning of the world and its origin and the domiciles of the Beautiful Names in the world. |
5 | Chapter Five: | On knowing the secrets of ﴾In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful﴿ from one aspect and not from all its aspects. |
6 | Chapter Six: | On knowing the beginning of spiritual creation, who is the first existent in it, of what it existed, in what it existed, on what model it existed, why it existed and what is its purpose, and knowing the orbs of the macro and micro worlds. |
7 | Chapter Seven: | On knowing the beginning of human bodies, that is the last existent in the macro world. |
8 | Chapter Eight: | On knowing the earth that was created from the remnant of the yeast of the soil of Adam, may peace be upon him, and the wonders and strange things therein, and it is called the Earth of Reality. |
9 | Chapter Nine: | On knowing the existence of flaming fiery spirits. |
10 | Chapter Ten: | On knowing the cycle of the dominion and the first separated in it from the first existent, and the last separated in it from the last separated of that (first existent), in what was filled the place that they separated from it, Allah's paving this kingdom until came its king, and the rank of the world between Jesus peace be upon him and Muhammad may Allah's mercy and peace be upon him. |
11 | Chapter Eleven: | On knowing our higher fathers and lower mothers. |
12 | Chapter Twelve: | On knowing the cycle of the master of the world Mohammad may Allah's mercy and peace be upon him, and that time in his era had returned back to its shape when Allah the Exalted had created it. |
13 | Chapter Thirteen: | On knowing the bearers of the Throne who are: Raphael, Adam, Michael, Abraham, Gabriel, Muhammad, Ridwân and Mâlik, may peace be upon them. |
14 | Chapter Fourteen: | On knowing the secrets of the prophets of guardians, the Poles of previous nations from Adam to Muhammad may peace be upon both, that the Pole is one who did not die since Allah created him and where is his residence. |
15 | Chapter Fifteen: | On knowing the breaths and knowing their Poles that are realized in them and their (/these Poles) secrets. |
16 | Chapter Sixteen: | On knowing the lower abodes, the cosmic sciences and the principle of knowing the Real the Almighty from them, knowing the (four) Pillars and the seven persons who are the Substitutes and those who sponsor them amongst the higher spirits, and the arrangement of their (/the lower abodes') orbs. |
Please note that some contents are translated from Arabic Semi-Automatically!